Guest Post by @AdamAFCshaw: Ramsey and Özil: Arsenals dynamic duo.


Ozil and Ramsey

With the end of the season near, many fans are blaming our late season stoop on injuries to Ramsey and Özil. And why not? The key to Arsenals padlock have finally been found. As shown against Newcastle last monday, the perfect combination of flair, technique and commitment can be found in those two men. It hasn’t gone unnoticed that when they play together the sparks fly on the pitch. The reason that this is, I think, is all in the tactics. The way that they interchanged positions during the match was wonderful to watch. There were times that I mistook them for each other, such was the ease and sharpness of the interchange.

     Ozil was often seen in deep positions, doing Ramsey’s job and setting the tempo of our next attack, while at that moment it is Ramsey making the darting runs through the defence. With Aaron playing box to box and Özil challenging defenders, it offers Arsenal a different dimension to their already unique style of play.  If you compare their individual stats they are very similar players. Mesut Özil is far and away the better of the two with passing and chance creation, but Ramsey has almost double the amount of goals. This style of play, not to mention the outcome, has helped the team massively in another long, tiring season. And we will need them to keep this going until the end of the season if we are to end our trophy drought.

 Mesut Özil has rejuvenated our attack this season, his incisive, slick passing adds a staccato rhythm to our game, keeping the defenders guessing. This perfectly compliments Aaron Ramsey’s seemingly near perfect movement and anticipation. He picks out gaps in the midfield and wherever space is, it is accompanied by Arsenals number 11. He has a knack for looking up and knowing what to do within an instant, giving the receiver of his immaculate, perfectly weighted pass more time to weave their own individual bits of magic, something the Arsenal fans have seen a lot of this season.

 Ramsey’s style this season has been less fire starter, more ‘fire eater’, and that has been a revelation to the Arsenal style of play. He feeds off good passing, players running around him, and a backtracking defence. His movement and determination to carry on driving the team forward is second to none. You will find him in the right position 9 times out of 10 and 9 times out of 10, he will score from that position, taking some of the pressure off the lone-striker Giroud. It has been proven that, from his 16 goals in 36 games, he has one of the best midfield goals per game ratio in the world which has moulded him into an integral piece in the Arsenal puzzle.

 I think next season rests on the shoulders of Ozil, Ramsey and, hopefully, the final piece in the jigsaw, a world-class striker. I have no doubts that the premier league will be dazzled by the efficiency and sharpness of our play which will hopefully push us towards a more sustainable Premier League title challenge, and the future shines bright for Mesut and Aaron, Arsenals dynamic duo.


Mesut Özil’s goals


Aaron Ramsey’s goals

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